Blog Category: Game Development - Stephen Gose LLC

Blog Category: Game Development

Basic browser-based game development tutorials

I have a collection of tutorials on Amazon and The "Making Browser Games" (MBG) Series shows how to construct general game mechanics that could be applied to your own bespoke games. The "Walk-Thru Tutorial Series (WTTS)" is what you commonly find in the majority of online tutorials which leads you in building a single specific game.

Phaser Books on Amazon

Latest Activities: Several new items: New Phaser books released on Amazon and; simply search for "Stephen Gose" Phaser.js Game Design Workbook is a game development guide using Phaser JavaScript Game Framework Kiwijs Game Design Workbook is a game development workbook using Kiwi Game Framework

Phaser Books on Amazon

Latest Activities: Several new items: New Phaser books released on Amazon and; simply search for "Stephen Gose" Phaser.js Game Design Workbook is a game development guide using Phaser JavaScript Game Framework Kiwijs Game Design Workbook is a game development workbook using Kiwi Game Framework

New Publishing Division launched!

Latest Activities: The merger of Mochi Domains is final as the new Publishing Division of Stephen Gose LLC created and active. This is a beneficial merger of two prominent indie game developers. We welcome the inclusion of Mochi Domains into our Gaming Development Network. Mochi Domains offers only a few services for Stephen Gose LLC Affiliates

Game Definition

Did you ever wonder what exactly a game is? A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not

News Update - Merger with MBG Networks

Latest Activities: The merger of MBG network and Stephen Gose LLC in now underway. This is a beneficial merger of two prominent indie game developers. We welcome the inclusion of MBG into our Gaming Development Network. MBG ( is a young site founded August 2014. It is run by a brilliant developer with some very insight

Merger of Tweaks Games

Latest Activities: Merger of Tweaks Games network and Stephen Gose LLC.  This is a beneficial merger of two prominent indie game developers. We welcome the inclusion of Tweaks Games into our Gaming Development

R.I.P. Mochi Media

I would not have been able to create online games without the help of the wonderful people at Mochi Media. They have raise me up from an aspiring game developer to where I am today.  Research my games from 2001, you will see the growth from a new actionscript 1 then 2 programmer to an as3.  I have produced online education for the past

History of Web Games

Early online gaming Dialup bulletin board systems (BBS) were popular in the 1980s, and many were used for online game playing. The earliest BBS, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, had a simply text-based interface menu, but later systems made use of terminal-control codes (the so-called ANSI art, which included the use of IBM-PC-specific

Understanding EULA

End User License Agreement It is usually to your advantage to license copies of your software rather than to sell copies. United States copyright law allows the owners of the physical objects that contain copyrighted material, for example, books, compact discs, or floppy disks or CD-ROMs containing computer programs, to resell the physical objects

BitCoins used

The 7th largest casual game developer – Big Fish Games – announced today it partnership with the BitCoin provider Coinbase. You can now spend BitCoin on thousands of MAC, Windows PC and Android download games and applications. You may alternately choose to use BitCoin inside BigFish Casino, Room of Memory or Bush Wacker II. BitCoin are

Mochi Media

My head is still spinning from an email I received from Kongregate that announced the demise of Mochi Media.  In stunned disbelief, I logged into my developer's account at Mochi and discovered the news first hand. Mochi Media was purchased by Shanda Games (a Chinese game mogul) for $80 million Jan 2010.  Now only 4 years later, Shanda

Affiliate Program launched!

Latest Activities: Merger of MBG network and Stephen Gose LLC in now underway. This is a beneficial merger of two prominent indie game developers. We welcome the inclusion of MBG into our Gaming Development Network. MBG ( is a young site founded August 2014. It is run by a brilliant developer with some very insight ideas

What types of casual games do people play online? Part I

What types of casual games do people play online? Let’s first look at Eric Berne’s book Games People Play a famous 1964 book. Since its publication it has sold more than five million copies. The book describes both functional and dysfunctional social interactions. In the first half of the book, Dr. Berne introduces transactional



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